Autism and Theology Resources

I’m often asked for my resources on autism and theology so thought I’d collate them all in one place.

Below are the resources I have so far produced on Level 1 (formerly termed “high-functioning”) Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC, formerly labelled “Asperger’s Syndrome”) and Christian, theology, faith, worship and spirituality. I have listed them in ascending order from most to least concise!:

(1) 800-word Article, “8 Tips for Discipling Adults with Level 1 Autism” on the Ridley Hall website may be read here.

(2) Here is the audio recording of a 30-minute informal talk I gave to fellow Ordinands at Ridley Hall on “Autism, Faith, Theology, Spirituality, and Worship”.

(3) Here is the audio recording of a 10-minute talk I gave at an online event for the Centre of Autism and Theology at the University of Aberdeen entitled, ‘Autistic Christians in Church Leadership’.

(4) Here is the audio recording of a 15-minute talk with 10 minutes of Q&A on my dissertation work on autism and theology.

(5) Here’s a bibliography of recommended resources I compiled on autism, theology and worship:

(6) My essay entitled, “Not Individualism but Individuality within Community Membership”: A Biblical Theology of Personal Identity applied to Level 1 Autism Spectrum Condition is due to be published towards the end of this calendar year (2023).

(7) My upcoming book is entitled, “Am I on the Wrong Planet?”: Autistically Living a God-given Story I Didn’t Choose (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, forthcoming 2024).

By Ben Somervell